Tuesday, September 17, 2019
Health promotion Primary, secondary and tietary Essay
Heath promotion connotes the activity of empowering individuals to have influence over their well-being. As described in the journal Health promotion: Conceptual and ethical issues, the promotion entails enabling people to make decisions on their own in situations where their decisions could impact positively on their overall health. A similar description is used in the article, Improving Health Promotion and Disease Prevention in NP-Delivered Primary Care, however, the author places much emphasis on the need for consensus among professionals prior to entrusting individuals the right to influence a doctor’s decisions. To some extent, Dawson and Grill (2012) echoes similar sentiments, but the authors consider the term an oxymoron. The two also explores the controversies surrounding the definition of the term while focusing on the cultural implication of the implementation the holistic approach to treatments. Thomas, Hart, and Burman (2014, p. 222), strikes out because it explores the need for corporation among stakeholders in ensuring the attainments of the goal of providing the populace with quality care at a lower costs. Despite the differences, both the definitions explain health promotion similarly. The main purpose of health promotion is enhancing coordination in order to limit the possibilities of the use a wrong approach to treatment. The other intention is to use preventions as opposed to cure since the latter costs much. Apart from reducing costs, the techniques reduces the number of visits to medical facilities in situations where home-based care can be used in treatment of ailments. The concept is also improving quality by encouraging practitioners to evolve in health promotion by educating the patients on each level such as primary, secondary and tertiary. This implementation is also becoming popular with nursing because it advocates for the customization of treatment to s uit the need of the sick. The idea is to incorporate more than one approach to treatment as highlighted by Ipsen, Ruggiero, Rigles, Campbell & Arnold (2014, p. 125). In the article, Evaluation of an online health promotion program for vocational rehabilitation consumers, the author elaborates the need for mutual coordination by citing examples of success following the adoption of the strategy in the dissemination of information to people suffering from cardiovascular diseases. The concept of health promotion is responsible for changes in the healthcare professions with the recent change being the case of nurses becoming more considerate in their actions due to the evolving natures of the practices. Nurses no longer base their decision on their judgment, but they consult with patients prior to making decisions as stipulated in the law. They are more of consultant than clinicians as illustrated by Thomas, Hart, and Burman (2014, p. 224). In addition to showing concern to the needs of the sick, nurses are taking nontraditional duties that entail empowering patients to use their knowledge in helping their counterparts who might be suffering from the same condition as theirs. Moreover, the demand for value based service is on the rise as a result of the adoption of the inclusive approach to treatment. Conducting initiatives and making follow ups on the progress of patients is a techniques which encompasses all the task of nursing that include preventing, consulting, and offering care. The technique of prioritizing needs based on patient’s demand is also an implementation method since it facilitates treatment of chronic ailments while at the same time encouraging follow-ups by nurses. Engaging in consolations with community members as health promotion strategy is also commendable because the method covers all the areas of the professions that includes assessing the situation, planning for the implementation of a solution and monitoring the effectiveness of the program. Adhering to health promotion guidelines also teaches one to become a responsible practitioner who has the capacity to detect anomaly in a situation at an earlier stage. The first level which is the primary levels applies to all situations particularly in cases involving the spread of contagious diseases. The level requires professionalism since the home based approach might fail due to lack of understanding by the people. As highlighted in a study of pediatricians in Ottawa, the attitude of the nurses played a critical role in the healing of patients. Therefore, it can be said that the success of the primary levels is dependent on the implementation of health promotion strategies from a holistic perspective. The second level secondary is the intermediary level described in three articles as the correction stage can be useful in controlling the extent of the damage in situations where the ailments has been detected . On numerous occasions, the chances of failure in the elimination of an infection is possible at this stage. Dawson and Grill (2012, p. 102) describes it as the screening stage in which accuracy in detection of ailment is paramount in controlling further infections. The third level tertiary employs similar techniques like the first and the second, but with much caution to prevent the sick from dying. In particular, the focus is on the person who has already contracted an ailment. Sometimes the combination of more than one approach to preventing disease happens at this stage. In conclusion, despite the challenges of integrating various approaches of treatment, nurses continue to provide health promotion at the primary, secondary and tertiary levels. This approach is commendable and has been proven to assist in patients over all well-being. References Dawson, A., & Grill, K. (2012). Health promotion: Conceptual and ethical issues. Public Health Ethics, 5(2), 101-103. Retrived from http://phe.oxfordjournals.org/content/5/2/101.short Ipsen, C., Ruggiero, C., Rigles, B., Campbell, D., & Arnold, N. (2014). Evaluation of an online health promotion program for vocational rehabilitation consumers. Rehabilitation psychology, 59(2), 125. Retrieved from http://psycnet.apa.org/journals/rep/59/2/125/ Thomas, J. J., Hart, A. M., & Burman, M. E. (2014). Improving Health Promotion and Disease Prevention in NP-Delivered Primary Care. The Journal for Nurse Practitioners, 10(4), 221-228.
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